Help page

Welcome to our help page here if you need help with roblox yo found the right place

BC Items
If you see this logo

It means the item is for builders club members only if you dont know what buildersclub/BC is go to the bottom of the page

TBC Items
If you see this logo

It means is for turbo builders club members only again if you dont know what buildersclub/BC is go to the bottom

OBC Items
If you see this logo

Its for Outrageous builders club members only

Limited Items
If you see this icon

It means that its only going to be sold at the one time and once there sold out roblox will never sell it again but if you do have the item you can sell it or be a noob and sell it for thousands of robux

Limited Unique Items
If you see this icon

Its like a limited time item but with the U beside it that means it will be sold again and again peopol with this item can sell it for as much as they like

About builders club