Roblox badges

Welcome to the roblox badges page here you can look at every single badge there is on roblox

Builders Club badge

This badge means the status of the robloxian that has it has builders club if you have builders club this will be on the roblox badges once the persons/you builders club expires this badge will be gone

Turbo Builders Club Badge

This badge means the status of the robloxian that has it has turbo builders club if you have turbo builders club this will be on the roblox badges once the persons/your turbo builders club expires this badge will be gone

Outrageous Builders Club Badge

This badge means the status of the robloxian that has it has Outrageous builders club it means this robloxian is a vip and gets lots of places lots of groups and they get payed lots everyday

More badges coming soon
Note:I do not own these pictures